RBS News

Written By: Evelyn P. Schonberg | 2020-04-06

COVID-19 Updated Leave Request Form

On April 1, 2020, we e-blasted a COVID-19 Leave Request Form to assist you in documenting and dealing with requests for paid sick and/or expanded family and medical leave beginning on that day.  In the days that followed, the Department of Labor issued new guidance and as a result, we are now issuing an updated Request Form.  We urge you to immediately begin using this Form instead of the original Form.


The changes that have been made to the updated Form include the following:

  • Additional language has been added to Reason No. 6 to clarify that neither the Secretary of Labor nor the Secretary of Labor have specified “substantially similar conditions” that an employee may be experiencing that would subject one to a paid leave under this Reason.
  • We also eliminated the direction to provide an explanation for seeking a leave under Reason No. 6.
  • For those requesting leave under Reasons No. 1, 2 or 4, we added the direction that the health care provider’s written recommendation and/or the order of quarantine or isolation needs to be attached.
  • For those requesting leave under Reason No. 3, we expanded the directions for the employee to follow in providing the permitted information and/or documentation.
  • At the end of the Form, we are also providing a space for the Employer to provide important information that will assist in the event of an IRS or DOL audit. 
As usual, contact RBS if you have any questions.

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